
Thursday, April 7, 2022, at 1:00pm

Jason Pickel, DC ,DACNB will present The “Dizzy” Patient – A Brief Journey In Differential Diagnosis of the Peripheral Vestibular System
Summary:  Do you have patients that suffer from what they call “dizziness”, “feeling off balance”, “the room is spinning”, or “feeling unstable”?  These patients may not be responding to care.  Dr. Pickel will discuss the different possible causes of these issues, what to look for, how to deal with these issues, and how this knowledge may allow you to be able to help more of these suffering patients than the average provider. 

After the live air date it will be converted to an on-demand seminar if you are unable to attend live.

If you are interested in presenting a topic to help your colleagues succeed in practice, please contact Dr. Travis Oller, KCA Executive Director.