KCA Communications Update
You may have noticed a change in how KCA sends out emails this last month.
In the past, we sent out information when it was available, whether it was urgent or not. This pattern led to KCA members receiving too many emails from KCA, causing essential communications to be lost in the flood.
We have switched to a weekly update email mailed every Tuesday morning. This update will contain both new and important communications as well as some recurring communications.
Urgent communications will still be sent out as stand-alone emails when needed and then echoed in the weekly updates.
All Weekly Updates are cross posted to both www.kansaschiro.com and https://www.facebook.com/KansasChiro.
You can view past Weekly Updates in the “Latest News” panel near the bottom of the homepage of www.kansaschiro.com.
We hope these changes make finding relevant information easier while helping reduce your inbox clutter.
Medicare Sequestration (Cuts to allowed amounts)
The KCA office has received several emails and phone calls from members and non-members about a decrease in Medicare allowed amounts since January 1, 2025.
These reductions in Medicare-allowable amounts are part of the Federal Budget Sequestration. The Statutory Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGO) Act of 2010 and the Budget Control Act (BCA) of 2011 established sequestration as an automatic budget cut that kicks in when Congress does not reduce the budget deficit sufficiently.
Historically, Congress has passed last-minute legislation to suspend sequestration in December of many years. Last December, this language was not included in the year-end governmental funding bill. As a result, starting on January 1, 2025, a 2.83% cut was applied to ALL Medicare allowable amounts. This cut applies to all provider types and across all CPT codes.
KCA Operation TALL
Have you ever had a patient show up for their second appointment in your office and complain that the first adjustment didn’t work, so they are going to quit care? How did you handle this situation?
How about friends or family members complaining about their health but won’t make lasting changes to improve their condition?
One adjustment won’t fix your back pain. One trip to the gym won’t improve your flexibility and strength. One salad won’t melt the fat off your body.
Why do we think one trip to Topeka to talk to our legislators will solve all of our problems?
Several people have told me that traveling to Topeka to lobby for change is ineffective and a waste of time. “I’ve done it once, and it doesn’t work.”
They are correct. If you only do it once, it will never work. Change takes consistent action.
For decades, KCA has held Operation TALL (Take a Legislator to Lunch) during the first week of February. However, over the last ten years, we have consistently seen a drop in attendance of KCA Members at Operation TALL.
Low attendance at these events hurts our organization and our reputation. It makes chiropractic look insignificant and unserious.
Last spring, after seeing significant drops in attendance at Operation TALL, the KCA Governmental Affairs Committee decided not to hold Operation TALL during the 2025 legislative session.
Instead, we decided to focus more on one-on-one interactions with legislators to build relationships and foster a better understanding of chiropractic in Kansas among legislators.
We have developed several “key legislative contacts.” These KCA Members have or have built a relationship with their Senator or Representative. If you are one of these key contacts, thank you for stepping up to help. If you know your legislator and are willing to work to build a relationship with them, please let me know so we can put you into our key contact program.

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